NAKOS from European Union

from European Union
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number NAKOS-EU
- My Siblings Tula
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Siblings Tula and Nakos were born in February 2010 and November 2011, respectively. They lived with their family of origin until August 2015 and have since experienced multiple placements in institutional care. Both children are healthy and developing well.
TULA is a highly emotional and impulsive preteen who likes to be the center of attention. She strives for connection with others but has a low frustration threshold and can react aggressively in certain situations. She takes medication to address her behavioral problems. At school, Tula works with a resource teacher, psychologist, and speech therapist to help her overcome an unspecified speech disorder as well as some academic and social-emotional challenges. As a student with regular attendance, Tula is easily distracted, and her academic success is hampered by deficits in working memory and overall speed of thinking. Her favorite subjects are science and social studies. Tula likes to play with dolls, create hairstyles for other children, and to craft. She enjoys organized activities and celebrations and maintains friendships selectively.
NAKOS is a curious and cheerful boy who is well oriented in his life and can quickly adapt to changing circumstances. He is a good student who copes well with the mainstream curriculum and attends classes regularly. He shows stable attention and focus, an appropriate ability to grasp, retain, and apply information and skills, and a great imagination. His favorite subjects are math and PE. Nakos exhibits physical and verbal aggression especially at school, and in addition to taking a daily medication, he regularly meets with a psychologist. He communicates well and very much enjoys group activities where he is competitive when it comes to sports and board/card games. He likes to play soccer, watch TV, construct objects, and spend time with friends. Nakos helps around the group home and gladly carries out tasks assigned to him.
Both Tula and Nakos have a positive view on adoption and wish to join a forever family.