RODION from European Union

from European Union
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number RODION-EU
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Rodion was born in November 2008 and is a healthy, typically developing teen. He lived with his family of origin until December 2020 and has since been in a group home.
Update September 2022: Our in-country representative visited Rodion and found him to be a friendly and smart teen. His favorite subjects in school are PE, geography and history, but he struggles with other areas of the curriculum. While this could be in part due to a lack of motivation, it remains unclear how academically delayed Rodion is at this time and how much intervention would be necessary to catch him up to grade level.
Rodion likes woodworking to which he was exposed by his grandfather and would like to take a class in this craft. He also enjoys wrestling, watching TikTok videos, and spending time with friends. He is well liked by the staff and residents of the group home.
Rodion understands the circumstances that led to his placement in state care and realizes that he cannot be adopted together with his sister who is disabled and does not have a bond with him. He is open to joining a family with siblings as well as a two parent or single parent household. Rodion loves dogs and would be very excited if his new home had furry family members, too.
May 2022: While able to communicate well with a rich vocabulary and to understand the emotions of self and others, Rodion is a bit skeptical in social relationships and may appear passive with lack of initiative. Nonetheless, he has formed friendships with peers and seeks attention and support from adults. Rodion participates in games and group activities where he can work cooperatively and shows respect for others’ decisions and thoughts. Rodion’s gross and fine motor skills as well as self-help skills are well developed.
Rodion has completed seventh grade in a mainstream classroom without intervention services despite the fact that he has many academic delays and gaps. Rodion is not a motivated student and his success with the material depends in part on his interest.
A calm boy who guards his feelings, Rodion has a 12-year-old sister with severe autism. They do not reside in the same group home and have been cleared to be adopted separately as this is believed to be in both children’s best interest. A family seeking to adopt Rodion must be prepared to address his academic needs as well as possible developmental trauma.