SYLVIANE from European Union

from European Union
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number SYLVIANE-EU
- My Siblings SHERMAN Shepherd
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Sylviana, Sherman, and Shepherd were born in March 2008, November 2009, and July 2011, respectively. They lived with their family of origin until December 2015 and have since endured multiple placements, together and apart, in foster and group homes. At present all three siblings reside together in a group home and have a positive attitude toward adoption.
SYLVIANA is a physically healthy child with development that is delayed in certain aspects. A communicative girl who easily creates friendly relationships with peers, Sylviana enjoys participating in group activities, such as games and pretend play. She is well oriented in time and space, has age-appropriate self-help skills, and shows a purposeful and active imagination. Despite academic gaps, Sylviana will be in 7th grade for the 2022/2023 school year. Unfortunately, she is often truant and does not show discipline and autonomy in her schoolwork. She appears to be a visual learner who has difficulty focusing on material that is not of interest. Sylviana is emotionally volatile and prone to angry outbursts and aggression. She struggles to follow rules and to accept the authority of adults. Sylviana continues to feel attached to her biological mother.
An active and respectful boy, SHERMAN is physically healthy and developing well. Much like his older sister, he makes friends easily and enjoys joint activities with peers. He communicates successfully, using both dialogue and nonverbal means. While usually calm, Sherman may show aggression toward classmates and his brother when under stress. Sherman will be in 7th grade in the 2022/2023 school year and continue to access academic intervention services with the help of a resource teacher. Despite regular attendance, Sherman struggles to master the educational material and to bring the necessary attention and concentration to required tasks. He likes playing soccer.
A healthy preteen, SHEPHERD has completed third grade and proven himself to be an effective student with good academic achievement. He purposefully spends time studying and understands which learning methods are most successful for him. Shepherd communicates well with peers and adults, but in certain situations, he shows aggression and anger toward peers and his brother. He is interested in soccer, motoring, and group activities with friends.
All three siblings have regular meetings with a social worker to help them overcome their behavioral challenges. A family interested in this trio should have no children under the age of 11 in the home and preferably have experience and resources for parenting children with difficult personal histories. It is likely that these siblings will require sustained academic intervention and mental/behavioral health services if adopted.