Elijah from Pennsylvania

from Pennsylvania
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Pennsylvania
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number C51DN11
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Elijah is very outgoing and loves talking to people. It is easy to converse with him and he loves to talk about videogames. He enjoys eating and does not have any preferences; he will try anything once! He likes to draw and play baseball. Elijah would like to be able to play on a baseball team and his favorite team is the Phillies. Elijah also likes to watch football; he is a Patriots fan. He enjoys dancing and singing; he loves to write his own songs. Elijah likes to be outdoors; his type of fun would consist of riding an electric scooter, going to the beach, or swimming in a pool. Elijah is open to all types of families but would prefer a two-parent household, a mother and father. Elijah would do well as an only child, but would also love to have siblings his age or older. He loves interacting with other children and would love to have opportunities to play with other kids in the neighborhood. He has no connections with his biological parents but would want to eventually have a relationship with his younger brother again in the future. All Elijah has wished for is to find his forever family.
Parental rights have been terminated for Elijah.
For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Marketta Simmons, via telephone or email m.simmonscua3@elconcilio.net.