Logan from Pennsylvania

from Pennsylvania
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Pennsylvania
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number C64AB21
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Logan enjoys doing anything outside. His favorite outdoor activities include hunting and fishing, but he also enjoys playing sports, such as basketball and football, and most importantly, riding his skateboard. When he can't be outside, Logan enjoys playing board games or video games. Logan does well in school and there isn't a subject he doesn't like. Logan reports his favorite subject to be math. Logan loves celebrating traditional holidays; Christmas and Halloween are his favorites! Getting presents, dressing up, and getting candy are, of course, the best things about those holidays!
Logan is open to all family compositions, but he would like to have younger siblings and pets. Logan is comfortable having both younger and older siblings around all of the time. Logan’s ideal forever family would provide loving structure, routine, and clear consequences through gentle parenting. Logan would like to remain in contact with his birth family, and is hopeful to find a forever family who will support him in maintaining those connections.
Parental rights have been terminated for Logan.
For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Jocelyn Weil, via telephone or email jweil@justiceworksyouthcare.com.