Xander from Pennsylvania

from Pennsylvania
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location Pennsylvania
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number C48AD56
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Xander, is energetic, funny, and sweet-natured. He describes himself as artistic, silly, talkative, sweet, and kind. He enjoys drawing, coloring, singing, and playing board games. He loves to watch Minion movies and Sonic. Xander is interested in learning more about art. He would love to have a family who enjoys doing activities, such as family dinners, watching movies together (at home or the theater), fairs, and amusement parks.
Xander is looking forward to having siblings his own age or older, and wishes for a strong maternal figure he can connect with. Xander would also really enjoy having family pets!
Parental rights have been terminated for Xander.
For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Kimberly Hillman, via telephone or email KHillman@pbfalv.org.