Aiden from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 93219
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Aiden is a very polite and active young boy who loves Minecraft, soccer, and Legos. Aiden loves SpongeBob Square Pants so much that he wants to be a fry cook when he grows up, just like SpongeBob. He is clever and quick to learn topics that are of interest to him. He enjoys imagination play, playing on the tablet, and gaming system. Aiden wishes to own his very own Nintendo Switch one day. Aiden is very talkative and likes to be silly and make people laugh. He says he can be "goofy" at times. Aiden enjoys reading and his favorite movie is Inside Out. Aiden likes to talk about his emotions and relates them to his favorite movie. Aiden enjoys attending school. He has a lot of curiosity and likes to learn and try new things. Pizza, nachos, and spaghetti with meatballs are some of Aiden's favorite foods. He enjoys the outdoors as well as camping. He enjoys taking hikes and sightseeing. Aiden connects easily with his peers and adults.
Aiden will do well in a family of any composition. Aiden could be placed in a home with or without other children. Although Aiden likes camping, Aiden does not particularly care to be outdoors too long so a family that is patient and is willing to show Aiden just how much fun it is to play outside, no matter the outdoor activity, would be beneficial. His family would need to be supportive of maintaining a relationship with Aiden's siblings who live out of state.