Alahnna from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 88580
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Alahnna is a sweet child who loves dancing, music, church, and unicorns. She prides herself in being a good reader and enjoys reading to others. Alahnna enjoys activities like gymnastics, art, and fashion. She is finding ways to positively deal with others when they are experiencing a challenging time. Alahnna responds well to positive reinforcement, praise and proactive redirection. Alahnna is learning to express her feelings by drawing and reading. These hobbies help to get her mind off stressful situations. She is looking forward to having a forever family who shares similar interests with her. Alahnna has big dreams! Her dream is to one day become a ballerina and a singer.
Alahnna will benefit from a one parent or two parent home who is able to provide her with attention, patience, structure, and unconditional love. A family who is nurturing, loving, stable and who can keep up with an active child will be ideal for Alahnna. Her family will be supportive and advocate on her behalf. They will encourage her to achieve her goals and dreams.