Aleese from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 90079
- Inquire about this child
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Aleese has a very silly and sweet personality and is always a joy to be around. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. Aleese has a big heart and cares about others. Being silly is one of her favorite things to do if she is not singing. Aleese loves art, especially painting, coloring, and making bracelets. She enjoys swimming and playing outside. She also enjoys watching cartoons and movies when it is too hot to play outside. Aleese loves pop music, music videos, and dancing. She works hard at trying to stay positive every day. Aleese enjoys going to school and makes A's and B's. Her favorite subject is math. She loves to constantly learn new things and enjoys going to school because she has lots of friends and likes to be the teacher's helper.
Aleese's forever family will provide a structured home environment that can provide her with stability and consistency. Her family will also provide her with a loving and nurturing home environment. Her forever family will be able to meet all her needs. She is excited about potentially being adopted.