Alyssa from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 104329
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Alyssa is a funny, soft spoken and caring young girl. She is a very proactive and engaging young girl who enjoys the sports and socializing with her friends. She is a resilient young girl that finds different ways to express herself. Alyssa enjoys participating on sports teams and extracurriculars. She is a introverted young girl that is currently working on building her independent living skills. She enjoys playing with her phone, watching tv, riding her bike and hanging out with friends. She enjoys going on outings like the movie theatres. Alyssa does well in a structured and consistent environment. Alyssa can become upset when peers have done something that is not respectful of others. She is exploring healthy coping outlets to express herself better. She understands her coping skills and is able to utilize them. Alyssa does well when she is given positive reinforcement. Visit me at the Bluebonnet Country Heart Gallery.
Alyssa's forever family will provide lots of patience, support and reinforcement. Alyssa will do best with a calm, non-confrontational approach by her caregivers. Her family will focus more on Alyssa's appropriate behaviors and when possible minimize attention to inappropriate behaviors. Alyssa's forever family will give her choices whenever appropriate to minimize potential for power struggles.