Alyssia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107103
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Alyssia is a happy and humorous child who is school-focused and family-focused. She loves spending quality time with her friends, going out to see movies, going on walks, playing basketball, and attending youth group. Alyssia is artistic and loves to do crafts and decorate her room with her artwork. She enjoys school and works hard to keep her grades A's and B's; she maintains her place on A/B Honor Roll at school and has good school attendance. Alyssia feels that friends and family are important to her, and she is happiest when around friends. She has hopes and dreams to attend college and find her forever home. Alyssia has goals to save up to purchase her first car and is setting a goal of obtaining a summer job to help her meet this goal. She hopes to remain connected to her background and culture; she listens to music, celebrates holidays, and enjoys cooking food that remind her of her culture.
Alyssia would like a family that is able to offer her independence she is used to; she enjoys working out on her own, working, going out to spend time with her family and friends. A family interested in Alyssia will be supportive of maintaining her connections to her birth family, by supporting visitation with grandparents and cousins when appropriate. Alyssia's forever family will be supportive of her wanting to attend youth group at her church.