Asianna from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107689
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Asianna is a content teen who enjoys making new friends and making people laugh. Asianna is active and likes to be outside in her spare time. She enjoys staying active by playing sports, with her favorite sport being softball. She also enjoys making different crafts. Asianna has started making bracelets as a hobby and is interested in starting her own online business. Asianna loves to change her hair style as well as the color. She is a great artist, loves rap music, dancing, and watching movies. She enjoys staying up to date with the newest fashion trends and likes to collect different shoes. While Asianna likes to make healthy choices most of the time, her favorite meal is the buffalo ranch chicken strip sandwich from Whataburger. Asianna loves animals and would like to pursue a career as a veterinarian one day!
Asianna's forever family will be one that is accepting of who she is and must have a forgiving heart. She likes to express her feelings, wants to ensure everyone understands how she is feeling, and know that her feelings are valid. Her family should be supportive and encouraging in order to help build her confidence. Asianna is an open-minded person and is willing to try new things. Asianna enjoys having fun and likes for things to be planned out before an activity or event take place. It is important for Asianna that she be able to maintain contact with her biological family.