Beautiful from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 109491
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Beautiful is a sweet and kindhearted teenage girl who cares deeply about what others think of her. She is initially quiet and reserved, however, she warms up quickly. Her bright smile will light up a room as she enters! Her laugh is extremely contagious. Beautiful enjoys spending time with friends and those around her shopping, dancing, and trying out the trending new hairstyles. Beautiful enjoys spending time outside on a pretty day riding bikes. She sometimes feels like relaxing at home, creating arts and crafts projects, singing, and watching movies. Beautiful works diligently on her school assignments. She is always the first to complete her homework and chores around the home. Some of her favorite foods eat are Nachos and Boudain. She also enjoys eating candy as a treat. She would be a perfect addition to any family.
Beautiful would do well in a one or two-parent household. She responds best to females in the home. Beautiful will do well in a structured home environment with a loving, nurturing, and patient mother who will allow her time to open up to her. She would adapt well to a family that sets clear and concise expectations. Beautiful would like a family to help her keep in contact with her siblings. Beautiful hopes for a stable and loving family with no animals in the home. Beautiful would do well in a home with only a couple of children in the home or on her own. She thrives on praise and encouragement--beautiful dreams of a forever home where she can feel comfortable and be herself without judgment.