Craig from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 88281
- Inquire about this child
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Craig is a typical teen who loves to play interactive video games and play outside. Craig also enjoys arts and crafts and Pok?mon. He has a love for sports and is interested in playing sports, specifically basketball and football as he is very competitive. Craig enjoys attending baseball, basketball, and football games. He is a Kansas City Chiefs fan. Craig loves high energy activities such as going to the trampoline park or other places where he can jump and be active. He is very helpful and likes to be given tasks to complete. Craig enjoys being social and meeting new people. He also enjoys learning and experiencing new things. Craig has a hearty appetite and loves trying new foods. Some of his favorite foods are tacos, chicken, and pasta. He is open-minded and is like a sponge when others share advice and wisdom, he ensures to listen.
Craig's forever family will ensure that he feels loved, happy, secure and accepted by his family. He will benefit from a two-parent home; however, he is open to a single-parent family. Craig loves to be praised for his actions and thrives on positive reinforcement. Craig would like a family with a dog. He will benefit from a family that provides him with a lot of structure. His family will engage him in activities to further his experiences. Craig's forever family will be patient and positively support, guide and understand his needs. His family should be involved in outdoor and community activities.