Darreon from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 89139
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Darreon is a spirited young boy with a heart full of dreams. He has a friendly personality and will talk to anyone who will listen. Darreon likes to spend time outdoors, going to parks or out to eat, watching movies, and playing games. He likes to play video games and play with his action figures. Darreon loves riding his bike, taking walks, and playing with friends outside, and he enjoys fishing when he can. Darreon is interested in exploring new things while he is outside on his scooter. He has a strong personality and likes to be the center of attention. Darreon enjoys school and really likes science. He likes to tell others stories and talk about his likes and dislikes. Darreon has a wonderful imagination and enjoys coloring. Darreon is a sweet child who is able to find a silver lining in every situation.
Darreon will benefit from a strong and united two-parent family who will demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships and boundaries to him. His forever family will provide a high level of structure, routine, and activity. He will do best in a home with no other children or homes with older youth who can be positive role models. His forever family will be structured and consistent. Darreon does not have a preference between a home in the city or country. He dreams and yearns for a forever family that will show him love and compassion.