Demiyah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 8
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108192
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Demiyah is a bright, active little girl who dreams of participating in cheering and dancing. Demiyah enjoys fashion and takes pride in her appearance. She likes to do makeup and play dress up with other little girls. She loves Christmas, and her favorite colors are red, pink, and purple. Demiyah enjoys being outside, going to the park, and swimming in the pool during the summer. When she is hungry, her favorite snacks are Takis and Starbursts. Demiyah is a bright child who excels in school and would love to work in fashion when she grows up. Demiyah is passionate about caring for others and making sure they are happy. Demiyah loves big dogs and would love to one day have one. She would be a wonderful addition to a loving forever family.
Demiyah would do best with a family that can spend one-on-one time with her to ensure she knows her place in the family. A family that would like to be involved in sports, outdoor activities, and the occasional shopping trip would be ideal. Demiyah wishes for a family where she could have a mom paint her nails and get her hair done.