Destiny from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 78913
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Destiny is a loving child who enjoys spending time with others. She describes herself as loud, outspoken, sassy, and confident. Destiny has a huge smile, when she's happy, she makes others happy. She likes initiating friendships, she can be very charismatic and knows quickly figures out how to get one's good side. She has a big heart, so she can be really influenced and effected in a negative or positive way if something good or bad happens to someone she cares for. She has an active imagination and likes to play with her friends. She is creative and can often be found working on arts and crafts while listening to music. She's very animated and loves to dance, sing, and be taken on outings. She also describes herself as tough but girly, she prides herself on her makeup skills and loves to go shopping.
Destiny's forever family will be patient, loving, and nurturing. Ideally, the family will be active and keep Destiny engaged in organized extracurricular activities, such as sports, scouts or crafting groups. Of course, love is at the top of Destiny's list when looking for a forever family. She loves animals and her number one wish is to become part of a forever family who has a dog. Destiny's forever family will provide guidance, reassurance and encouragement to assist her with reaching her full potential.