Hope from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 85157
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Hope is a bright, vibrant young girl. She is friendly towards new people and thrives on attention. Hope is quite imaginative and creative. She enjoys singing, dancing, and dressing up. She at times needs redirection when given instructions, but she likes to receive approval. Hope is energetic and loves playing outdoors, going swimming, and going skating. She enjoys putting puzzles together and doing crafts. Her favorite part about doing crafts is using glitter. Hope likes playing with other children, especially those who are younger than her. She enjoys being on the go and exploring new places. She loves animals and does well playing with them. At times, Hope needs redirection to concentrate, but she does well in school. Hope is open to new ideas and is willing to try new things.
Hope is aware that an adoptive home is being looked for at this time. Hope's forever family will be very structured and consistent. Her family will provide guidance, support, and security. Hope's family will encourage her to continue being creative. Hope would like to be placed in a home with other children and with pets.