Izabella from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 99867
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Izabella is a sweet girl who likes to spend her time playing with her toys. She likes to blow bubbles, watching the bubbles float, and popping them. Izabella enjoys going to the park and in particular, getting to enjoy the breeze while being pushed on the swings. She gets a joy out of riding on a scooter. Izabella likes to relax and watch videos on her tablet like Yo Gabba Gabba and The Brown Bear song. Izabella can be thrown off when her routine is changed but adapts well once she has time to get used to new experiences. Izabella is non-verbal and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. With some guidance and support, she can communicate some of her needs. She has shown growth in her learning and development. Izabella's favorite foods include chicken nuggets and tortilla soup; however, she is expanding her pallet every day.
Izabella's forever family will be a loving, patient family that will be able to meet her needs. She will need guidance and assistance with everyday tasks. Izabella flourishes when caregivers are patient and provides lots of love and support for her.