Jayden from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 109361
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Jayden is a polite and confident youth with a strong academic focus. As a high-achieving student, he excels in his classes, earning straight A's, and is eager to expand his education by taking college courses. His passion for technology, particularly gaming and computers, has ignited a desire to pursue a career path in cybersecurity. While Jayden enjoys the competitive world of gaming and exploring technology, he also has a creative side. He expresses this creativity through participation in the school drama club and has an appreciation for stylish clothing. He also enjoys watching movies and has developed a new interest in thrillers. With a fondness for spaghetti and pizza, Jayden is a well-rounded individual. While he can be reserved, he enjoys connecting with others who share his passions.
A family with a shared interest in gaming, computers, and electronics will be an ideal match for Jayden. As a newly licensed driver, he's eager for independence. His forever family will be committed to his well-being and be supportive of his college aspirations. Jayden would benefit from guidance as he navigates the college application and independent living processes. A patient and understanding family can provide the stability and support he needs to thrive as he transitions into adulthood.