Jesslyn from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 88461
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Jesslyn is a sweet young girl with a smile that is contagious! She greets others with a warm embrace. Jesslyn is also very bright and does well in school. She enjoys making good grades and has expressed interest in math and history. Jesslyn enjoys writing poetry in her journal, socializing with friends, and engaging in outdoor activities. Jesslyn is very outgoing and talkative. She has a love of pineapples and anything with pineapples on it brings a smile on her face. Jesslyn has a very outgoing personality and loves being able to freely express herself. She is very family oriented and enjoys family activities; she also makes friends easily wherever she goes. Jesslyn has dreams and goals which she continues to work towards achieving. She is a caring loving child who is ready to spread that love with others!
Jesslyn will do best in a two-parent household. She responds well to a father figure as the disciplinarian, who is loving and nurturing. Jesslyn will respond well to having a mother who is very nurturing and supportive, and firm in guiding her. She will thrive with a family who is structured, has clear and concise expectations, and who offers love and support. Jesslyn would like a family who will be patient and understanding with her, and helpful with her schoolwork.