Joshua from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 90517
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Joshua is a very inquisitive and smart young man. He loves being outdoors and he is also up to try new things. Joshua enjoys playing flag football with his peers, as well as playing basketball. He is interested in anything that is related to sports. He also likes to color and draw. Joshua has a very big appetite for food and adventure, and he loves to ask questions. Joshua can be very boisterous and lively. He likes to go camping and likes to ride his bike. There are many things in life that he is excited about. Joshua tends to attach to others very easily. He is a big dreamer and dreams of fancy cars, having a monster truck, and doing fun and adventurous activities. Visit me at the Heart Gallery of North East Texas.
Joshua will benefit from a smaller family. Joshua would prefer a single-parent preferably a mother, but he would be fine with a dad also. Joshua's family will be patient with Joshua and give him time to adjust to his new surroundings.