Juhstyce from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 107648
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Juhstyce is a talented, radiant, and joyful child. Juhstyce appears shy when you initially meet her; however, once she is comfortable, she allows herself to open up and show her kind and outgoing personality. Juhstyce also has a caring and generous heart. She is a smart child who loves going to school and learning new things. Juhstyce's favorite subjects are History and Math. She loves to listen to music, paint, draw, braid hair, watch television, and online videos. Juhstyce gets along well with her peers. Her favorite foods are pizza, pizza rolls, Chick-Fil-A, and spaghetti. Juhstyce loves playing with all animals, with her favorite animal being dogs. Juhstyce is looking forward to being adopted and receiving unconditional love from her forever family!
Juhstyce's forever family will be a loving, honest, and supportive family who will be committed to her. She will flourish in either a single parent or two parent household. Juhstyce does well in structured home environments where caregivers are nurturing and give gentle reminders. Her family will encourage her in a positive manner. Her family will be an understanding and resourceful family that will keep her connected to supports should a need arise. Juhstyce needs a family that understands her history and can meet any needs should any arise and assist her with adjusting to her new home. She needs a family that participates in extracurricular activities to provide her normalcy and can help her build self-confidence. J