King from Texas

from Texas
- Age 7
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 99487
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
King is a happy and quiet young boy who stays to himself. He likes playing with toy cars, Legos, tambourines, other instruments, and any toy with wheels. King likes to read, and he enjoys ABC for boys. King likes nursery rhymes of all kinds. His favorite is "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". It takes a while for King to adjust to new individuals and surroundings. He is non-verbal and does very well when given one-on-one attention to develop his communication skills and lots of cueing. He loves food. His favorite foods consist of chocolate, pizza, and chicken nuggets. Things that make King laugh include playing with toys of his choosing, food, love, dancing, and holding hands. The best way to communicate with King is to show and tell and constant repetition.
King would like a two-parent home. His forever family will meet all of his needs. His family will be willing to learn with him as he grows. He would enjoy a family that likes to dance and play cars.