K'sen from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 107848
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
K'Sen is a sweet child who likes to play basketball and do arts and crafts. He likes to have activities to do but can entertain himself with his vivid imagination. K'Sen loves superheroes and has said that if he were a superhero, he would want to have every power and use his powers to keep everyone safe. He likes to watch Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and any other superhero on TV. K'Sen loves to be around people and is willing to try new activities if it means new friends. K'Sen is well loved at his school and his teachers are very proud of him. As long as people are willing to invest in K'Sen, he's ready to put in the work to make himself and his friendships better. K'Sen loves making people laugh and being told funny jokes and stories. He is an avid fan of video games and would play one all day if he could.
K'Sen's forever family will be one that provides simple, clearly defined rules and is able to provide him with consistency in learning his boundaries while he is adjusting to a new setting. His family will be active in family activities and spend a fair amount of time engaged in outings and events outside the home. His family will provide him with plenty of structure, love, and nurture. He likes to be around other children but does great in a home where he is the only child and can get the individual attention that he likes. K'Sen likes animals and said he would like to be in a home with a dog. K'Sen is open to a family with either one or two parents. K'Sen would benefit from a parent that will take the time to explain the reasonings behind their decisions and understand that K'Sen will sometimes need to hear the same instruction a couple of times. K'Sen has family that he's beginning to reconnect with and he would like to have a family that continues to support that connection.