Lamonty from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 85082
- Inquire about this child
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Lamonty is a teenager who thrives on being the focus of attention. She prefers to be called by Monty. She is very vocal and is not afraid to speak up and advocate for her-self. She enjoys fashion; enjoys a girl's shopping spree; although she enjoys fashion, she likes to lounge around in warm up apparel. She also likes to have her long hair looking nice! Lamonty enjoys arts and crafts. She loves to draw to help her relax. She also enjoys journaling when she is upset or needs to write her thoughts down. She also loves music, especially when she is upset, as it helps to calm her down. As most teenagers, Lamonty enjoys social media and video games, spending time on her Tablet, reaching out to friends. Lamonty enjoys sports and being outdoors. She has participated in track, volleyball, and cheerleading. She also enjoys going to church for worship service. Lamonty likes cooking and being able to assist with the food preparation. Some other favorite foods are chicken strips with French fries, bacon, pancakes, and eggs.
Lamonty would do best with a traditional two-parent family. She would do well with a home that has consistency and structure in the environment. She needs a family that will support and encourage her in her daily activities. She would do best with an active family that enjoys sports and outdoor activities.