Leilana from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Pacific Islander
- Case Number 103827
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Leilana is a bright child who loves to laugh and make jokes. She has a quirky sense of humor and encourages others to be happy through laughter. Her favorite colors are red and blue. She is brave and will defend others when she feels they are mistreated. She has big life goals and hopes to one day go to college to study psychology to become a therapist. She wants to intern at a therapist's office and get a job and car. She is confident that she can achieve this goal and wants to prove to herself and others that she can do anything she puts her mind to. Leilana does well in school and is able to advocate for herself with regards to her educational needs. She is very active and will engage in new activities. Leilana is interested in pursuing sports such as basketball, track, soccer, and boxing. She is a unique child who has a bright future ahead of her. She is very observant and willing to engage in conversations with peers and adults. She forms and maintains peer relationships. She is a loveable teen who will let her guard down as she becomes comfortable with people. Leiliana dreams of learning more about her cultural history and exploring her ethnicity.
Leilana's forever family will be accepting and understanding of her. Her family will consist of a two-parent household. Her family will advocate for her through any adversities that she may face. Her family will not shy away from any challenges she may face as she navigates her life. She would like to have a structured home with clear expectations and rules. She wants a family to be there for her through thick and thin. Leilana would benefit from a family that encourages her to live healthy and be active. She would love to have parents who will sit down and talk to her calmly, not go to bed angry with her and give her space when needed. Leilana would also like for her family to allow her to foster and maintain a relationship with her younger sister. Her family will be able to provide a safe place and allow Leilana to grow.