Levi from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 88621
- Inquire about this child
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Levi is a very outgoing and friendly child. He enjoys being outside, playing sports, and camping. Levi loves collecting Pok?mon cards. He also likes to listen to music and sing along with the songs. Levi occasionally expresses his emotions in a physically, but he responds well to redirection. Levi loves to eat. His favorite foods are pizza, cake, and ice cream. Levi has recently started to exercise more often and become more conscious of healthy living. He also likes to be the center of attention and enjoys being given an opportunity to try new things. Levi enjoys having people read to him and being able to discuss the events of the books being read.
Levi will benefit from a family who has a structured and stable home environment. Levi will thrive in a home who likes being active outdoors and participates in community activities. A family without children who are younger than him in the home would be an ideal fit and he may benefit from older children in the home as role models. He enjoys participating in church services, and would like to live in a two-parent home. Levi has a sister, who is not a part of this adoption, and his family will support and help him continue visits with her and actively nurture their relationship.