Lily from Texas

from Texas
- Age 8
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 109116
- My Siblings Laila
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Lily is a sweet and affectionate little girl. She likes to show affection by giving hugs. Lily loves to sing and dance, and she specifically likes to listen to Gospel music. Lily likes attending church and enjoys listening to their band and choir. She likes using her tablet to express herself. Lily will use her tablet to identify a photo of what she wants. At times, she can verbally express herself with words, such as saying "stuck stuck" when she can't get out of the car seat. Lily will often repeat words that others say. Lily likes to be read to. With guidance, she can sound out the words letter by letter when being read to. Lily likes to color and can identify her colors. She absolutely loves the movie Frozen and has her own Frozen pillow.
Lily is Laila's older sister, and Lily and Laila share a very close sibling bond. They are both silly and playful. They are affectionate and like to give hugs. Even though Lily is the older sibling, she looks to her younger sister, Laila, for guidance and validation. Laila sees herself as Lily's protector. Laila and Lily both like to watch educational videos, especially those with music they can sing and dance along to. Laila will often show Lily how to complete a task by modeling it for her first. Both sisters love anything and everything related to the Disney movie Frozen. They both have a special Frozen pillow that is important to them. Both girls like to dance and sing together and enjoy attending church. They both enjoy listening to Gospel music.
Lily's forever family will offer a routine and structured home environment as Lily thrives on routine. The ideal family will provide unconditional love and patience. Lily looks forward to making memories with her forever family. The ideal forever family will offer Lily life-long commitment. Lily has a lot of love to offer a family. Her forever family will demonstrate their commitment to her throughout her life. The ideal family will be able to care for a child with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Lily's forever family will be knowledgeable about accessing support services for her.