Linda from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 98727
- Inquire about this child
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Linda is a fun and loving child who has a fantastic sense of humor. She is a fun, cheerful girl who likes being active. Linda is a kind youth who is easily loved by all. She is self-motivated and empowered to get things done in life. Linda can advocate for herself and can vocalize her desires. Her favorite subject in school is science, and she loves learning about the earth and other geological facts. She does very well in school and enjoys spending time with friends. Linda also enjoys reading and being outdoors. She enjoys attending church and participating in praise and worship time. Linda enjoys listening to music as it helps her remain calm. She will be a great addition to a loving and nurturing forever family.
Linda will do best with an active family. Her forever family will be patient and understanding her. Linda's family will advocate for her needs to ensure her success. Linda's family will provide guidance and encouragement to help her to make the right choices.