Lucero from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 90439
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Lucero is very sweet, nice, fearless adventurous and funny. She initially comes off shy but once she's comfortable with you she will open up and lighten your day. Lucero is a very happy and affectionate child. She is very curious and likes to explore new hobbies. Lucero enjoys being in clubs at her school and likes being occupied throughout the day. Lucero is self-aware, understanding when she has made a mistake. She adapts to new situations when given support and understanding. Lucero is artistic and likes to paint and draw. She enjoys listening to music, playing sports, playing video games, swimming, playing with dogs and hanging out with friends. She is excited and extremely hopeful about her future. Lucero will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.
Lucero's forever family will provide a structured home environment that can provide her with stability, consistency, with a loving and nurturing home environment. Her forever family will provide and supply all her needs. Lucero has stated that she prefers two moms and no siblings. She is excited about potentially being adopted.