Luis from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 86704
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Luis is a sweet child who is interested in the world around him. He tends to be soft-spoken but has no problem articulating what he likes and wants. He is very observant and is always exploring his environment. He is on the move most of the time and likes to be kept busy. He enjoys spending time with his caregivers and younger children. Luis loves to be helpful to others. Luis works hard to meet his goals in school and receives supportive services for assistance in being successful. Some of his favorite things to do are play with his tablet and go swimming. He also enjoys playing video games, hanging out, watching movies, watching videos, and being with other children. He will be a lovely asset to his forever family.
Luis will do best in a home that provides routine day-to-day structure. He needs loving, supportive, patient, and encouraging parents. He will thrive in a family consisting of a mother and father and one active.