Mcclaren from Texas

from Texas
- Age 6
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108894
- My Siblings Cai'den
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McClaren is a young boy with a bright and charismatic personality. He is outgoing and kind. McClaren enjoys playing with his toy cars and Legos. He can keep himself entertained for a reasonable amount of time. McClaren usually does this while playing video games and watching videos on his tablet. He is described as a "homebody" but also enjoys going for walks often. McClaren loves to have movie nights with his brother and enjoys animated movies. McClaren does well in school, loves to read, and likes to learn as much as he can. He is very loving and shows affection to his brother, with whom he is bonded. McClaren's other interests include playing outside, building blocks, arts & crafts, and drawing. His favorite food is pizza and Raviolis.
McClaren and Cai'den share a profound bond, relying on each other daily. They enjoy playing together with their toys. They delight in watching movies and constructing with Legos. Often, they remain in their room, immersed in play for hours. Cai'den, the elder brother, earnestly embraces his role as a big brother. Amidst a playground bustling with children, Cai'den and McClaren invariably seek each other's presence, savoring their shared moments. They have recently been enjoying petting zoos and have slowly started liking animals. Caiden loves to eat crawfish, and McClaren loves to eat pizza and ravioli. Their preferred dining establishment is Texas Roadhouse. They also enjoy playing video games, taking short walks, and riding their bikes together.
McClaren wants a family without pets and a smaller family unit with no more than two children. The family would need to accept McClaren and his brother so they can grow up together and maintain their connection. McClaren hopes his new family will take care of him and his brother and enjoy movie nights as much as he does.