Mica from Texas

from Texas
- Age 8
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107277
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Mica is a lovable and sweet child who enjoys interacting with others and receiving hugs. Mica loves playing with colorful, textured toys and blocks. He also enjoys watching cartoons and listening to his favorite genre of music which is classic Latin songs. He will dance when he hears it played. Mica loves all kinds of foods. He also loves to laugh and go to the park. He prefers environments that are quiet, because he is sensitive to loud noises. Mica can be active at times, but mostly enjoys spending his day playing independently. Mica is a child diagnosed with Autism and Down Syndrome and requires assistance with daily activities. Mica is nonverbal and has limited speech capacities. He can identify and express his needs to his caregivers and adults through grunting and leading them to what he wants. Mica is ready for his forever family!
Mica's forever family will be one that will offer him a safe, secure and loving home environment. Mica would benefit from a patient and loving family that is willing to provide him with quality time and cater to his needs. Mica will do well in either a two-parent home or a single parent home that consist of either no children or at least one child older or close in age to him. He would do well with a family who has experience or specialized training in working with children on the Autism Spectrum.