Mi'racle from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108483
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Mi'racle is a very happy, reserved, and easy-going young lady. She is also very loving and compassionate. Mi'racle likes going to school and making new friends. She loves choir and music. Her favorite genre of music is R&B. She plays the guitar and piano. She loves spending time making arts and crafts. Mi'racle has recently started to sketch and write in a journal. She enjoys painting. She also loves to read a series from start to finish. She is very articulate and loves to hold a conversation with anyone who will listen. Mi'racle enjoys trips to the beach, park, mall, movies, bowling and nail salon. She loves getting her hair and makeup done. Some of her favorite foods are tacos, Chinese food and Pepperoni pizza and Takis. Her favorite color is teal. She loves animals. She is also interested in the Spanish language.
Mi'racle will benefit from a loving, patient and protective home environment. The caregivers will need to ensure that Mi'racle is enrolled in school,and has access to dental and medical care. They are also need to ensure that she receives mental health care and counseling. It would be beneficial for Mi'racle to have appropriate connection with extended family members.