My Chelle from Texas

My Chelle
from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 89220
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
MyChelle is talkative and observant around new people. She has a playful personality and likes to play with children of all age groups. MyChelle is not shy, and she clearly expresses her wants and needs. She likes to explore, such as going on adventures to the park or camping. She has conversations about various topics that interest her, and she likes to engage in activities, such as art and put together puzzles. One topic she enjoys talking about is the fun times she has had. MyChelle wishes to keep in contact with her siblings, who are not part of this adoption. She enjoys wearing pink and purple, and glitter blouses and shoes. MyChelle also enjoys putting bows in her hair. MyChelle is a very smart child who needs a family who is loving and nurturing. She enjoys reading and likes to be helpful with other students in her classroom and teacher. MyChelle is polite and will greet people who enter her space or people walking by her. MyChelle will do great wherever she goes!
MyChelle will benefit from a family where there she can be the youngest child in a small family. She feels having an oldest sibling will benefit her for sister guidance or support. She will benefit from a family with one or two other children. Her family will support and encourage her to learn about her cultural heritage. MyChelle would prefer not to leave Texas. It is important to her that she is able to remain in communication with her siblings, who are not a part of this adoption. MyChelle wants a family who will be good and nice to her.