Paige from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 95526
- Inquire about this child
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Paige is very smart; she is funny, and she has a lot of interest in art. She has a kind and compassionate personality. She enjoys spending time with others and makes friends easily. Paige has no problem engaging in and carrying on a conversation with peers and adults. She likes to stay active socially and wants to spend time in the community. Paige likes all things anime. She likes to dress up in different cosplay outfits and do skits and would love to attend a convention. Paige also enjoys coloring, drawing anime cartoons, and watching anime online. She likes reading books like My Hero Academia. She loves listening to music and will sing and dance in front of just about anyone. Paige wants to learn how to play the guitar and how to do professional cosplay makeup. She loves nature and animals and enjoys places like arboretums and observatories. She is just getting into photography and would love a professional camera. Paige is positive and goal-oriented.
Paige's family will support and understand her needs. She needs a family that can dedicate time to her, someone who is home daily and could step away to help her through challenging moments at school. Someone who understands and enjoys working with youth would be best. Paige wants a family who will be open to her maintaining visitation with her siblings that she is close to and who are not a part of this adoption. She responds well to caregivers that are kind and nurturing. She would benefit greatly from equine therapy.