Raivynn from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 104508
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Raivynn is very loving, friendly and likes to give big hugs. She loves jewelry, clothes, make-up and dancing. She enjoys listening to music on the radio and becomes excited when she can recall the singers name. She likes playing video games, playing outside and riding her bike when the weather is cooler. She enjoys engaging with other children in play activities. She enjoys receiving positive attention from her peers and adults. Her favorite animal is a fox, but she also loves cats and dogs. She aspires to be a Veterinarian. She can perform all her own hygiene/grooming tasks. Raivynn likes being helpful around the house. She can make her own bed & fold her clothes. She has a healthy appetite. She prefers and enjoys meals prepared at home like rice, beans, cornbread, chicken, and lasagna. She has no sleep issues and on weekends she likes to sleep in and watch cartoons. Raivynn's favorite subjects are math and science. A classroom with fewer students and consistent one-on-one instruction, helps her to thrive academically. Raivynn positively responds to redirection and instruction given by adults.
Raivynn's forever family will have one stay at home parent that is able to assist with her educational needs and be active in her extra-curricular activities. Raivynn requires a lot of one-on-one attention. Raivynn's family will keep her engaged in activities of interest. Raivynn's family will be patient and will provide consistent guidance to help her to achieve her goals. Raivynn loves animals and can be in a home with pets. Raivynn will thrive in a home with older siblings that will be sympathetic, supportive and give her guidance in following household expectations and instruction. Raivynn looks forward to being a part of a loving family unit. Raivynn's family will commit to allowing her a safe place to express herself. Her family will be resourceful and willing to advocate for her to make sure that she has access to the resources she needs.