Royce from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 98868
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Royce is a fun, loving, and very easygoing youth. Royce can initially be shy when he is meets someone new; however, he really shows his true colors when he is around people that he loves and trust. Royce can be hyper in some situations but when he is coloring or playing with his Dinosaurs, he can focus on what he is doing. Not only does Royce love to learn about the animal kingdom but he loves to play with Pok?mon cards. Royce has a great appetite but is particular on what he likes to ear. Some of his favorite things to eat are burgers and pizza. When Royce is at school, he strives in his classroom and always follows instructions. He always tries his very best to get the best grades he can possibly get. Royce will be a loving addition to a caring forever family.
Royce is very excited to be adopted in a family that is going to provide him a sense of stability. Royce's forever family will set healthy boundaries for him and show him what is right from wrong. Royce is such a happy boy that he gets excited very easily and would benefit from a home that has a positive structure for him to learn how to express his feeling in an appropriate manner. Royce loves to play with his Dinosaurs, this is how he interacts the easiest, and would benefit from a family that will pretend play with him and even show him other ways to let his energy out and play. Royce will benefit from a family that will always ensure that no matter what kind of day is having, they will always be supportive and loving. Royce wants to be in a family that is going to show him unconditional love and support him while also meeting all his needs.