Rudy from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107180
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Rudy is a happy and fun youth who enjoys family vacations and playing outdoors. He is a very athletic boy who loves football. Rudy is very talkative and always ready to enjoy time with family. He is prepared to tell you how he feels and easily opens up to adults. Rudy likes to get along with everyone. In his free time, he enjoys playing sports, video games and hanging out in the swimming pool or outdoors. Rudy states he likes playing sports such as basketball, football, and baseball. He expresses his favorite subject in school is Math. He would like to become an engineer when he grows up. He loves pizza, green spaghetti, and lasagna. He is self-sufficient and gets joy out of helping around the home. He likes to watch funny videos on YouTube because they make him happy.
Rudy's forever family will be patient, consistent, structured, and offer positive reinforcements. He requires encouragement to flourish and one-to one attention. He is opened to the idea of a mother and father for parents. He gets along well with other children, especially those older than him as he likes to think of them as role models. He has shown to be very respectful towards adults and caregivers.