Sammy from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 109802
- Inquire about this child
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Sammy, who prefers to be called Matthew, is a sweet and outgoing young man. He enjoys playing sports and drawing. Matthew loves animals but especially loves horses. He is also an intelligent child whose favorite activities include fishing, playing football, and riding horses. He also really likes to swim, and sometimes he likes playing video games. Matthew likes to learn new things and is always determined to make sure that he gets it down just right. Matthew wants to play for the NFL or NBA when he grows up. Matthew could be described as a carnivore, as his favorite foods include hamburgers, steak, and ribs! He may be shy at times, but when he comes out of his shell, he is full of smiles and very helpful.
Sammy "Matthew" needs a resourceful family. He would do well with a family who is patient and has a lot of love to give. Sammy would love to have a family who lives in the country with animals. They will devote time to him and spend time together as a family.