Savannah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 100707
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Savannah is a fun, friendly and outgoing teen. She enjoys spending time with friends. She also really enjoys having one on one time with her current caregiver. Savannah likes drawing and writing in her journal and doing arts and crafts. She also enjoys shopping, participating in theatre, cheerleading and archery. She loves Starbucks coffee, hot chips, and chocolate. Savannah enjoys going to church and singing in the church choir. She is excited about starting high school next year. She did well this year academically and ended the school year with all A's and B's in her classes! Savannah thrives with one-on-one time with people she trusts. She is an excellent advocate for herself and can communicate her needs well. Savannah would be a great addition to a family.
Savannah's forever family will be one that provides structure and clear rules. Her family will be able to provide her with one-on-one attention. Savannah would do well as the only child in a home, but it is not required.