Sergio from Texas

from Texas
- Age 9
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 108516
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Sergio, who prefers to go by Malakai, is a special youth who has so much to teach others about his uniqueness. Malakai finds joy in the simple pleasures of nature whether its climbing trees, swimming in the pool with the heat beaming down on him from the sun, or just enjoying everything the great outdoors has to offer. Alternatively, he can be found lounging around on the couch with his tablet watching his favorite movie, The Lorax, or his favorite television show, Paw Patrol. He also enjoys playing with his vast collection of toys, especially marbles. Malakai is a whiz at learning new things and catches on rather quickly when introduced to new activities. He enjoys being active and his favorite thing to do is bounce and groove on his peanut ball. He has a tablet that he is a pro at using to make sure caregivers understand his wants and needs. Malakai's boundless spirit and gentle nature never cease to amaze those around him. His faith is a large chunk of who he is. When Malakai is at church service, you can tell that he is all present with his faith and at peace in this environment.
Malakai will thrive in a home where he can continue to be given opportunities to learn and grow with boundaries and structure. He would love to have siblings, preferably younger than him but would do well with older siblings as well. His forever family will be one who can practice patience, understanding, and give an endless amount of love to him, even when things get difficult. His family will also be an active advocate for him and his specific needs. Malakai will need to continue with his services as they are beneficial in helping him learn, grow, and engage with others. He is nonverbal but well versed in using his tablet as his voice. It will be beneficial for his forever family to learn how to use the application that Malakai utilizes. As his faith is important to him, Malakai will do best in a home where this part of him can continue to flourish. Malakai does have siblings that he would like to continue to have contact with whether that be virtual or in-person.