Shayla from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 106973
- Inquire about this child
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Shayla is a lovable girl with an infectious smile. She loves to dance, sing, and make arts and crafts. Shayla is a social butterfly and enjoys spending time with others. She loves building and maintaining relationships with others around her. She is consistent with her feelings and is happy to share them with supportive adults. She is outgoing and enjoys making new friends, but also enjoys alone time as well. Shayla likes to keep busy and enjoys being out and about doing different activities. She can be curious and likes to explore new hobbies. Shayla loves jewelry and fashion, and she especially enjoys going shopping. Shayla's favorite foods are hamburgers and pizza. She also likes chocolate shakes as a special treat! Shayla likes to watch movies and TV on days she wants to just relax.
Shayla's forever family will be one that is stable and supportive. Her family will provide her with a nurturing and loving home environment. Shayla will thrive with a family where she receives love and affection.