Sonja from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 108840
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Sonja is a very vibrant young lady who is described as extremely outgoing and intelligent. She communicates her needs clearly. Sonja likes to wear make-up and enjoys having her hair and nails done. She also finds joy in making videos and shopping online. She likes to create different dances, often to upbeat and energetic music. Sonja enjoys a variety of music genres, with pop and hip-hop being her favorites. She also likes to participate in arts and crafts activities, particularly those involving painting and making jewelry. Sonja loves to swim and participate in outdoor activities. She loves animals and enjoys taking on the responsibility of caring for them. Sonja likes to go out to eat at different restaurants, with Chick-fil-A being one of her favorites. She enjoys meeting new people and making new friends. Sonja loves to feel understood, accepted and loved.
Sonja would like to feel accepted in a forever home. She hopes and dreams of a safe, secure home environment where she is loved. She wants a family that will not give up on her or leave her. She would like to know and feel that she belongs. She would like to have a family with patience and understanding.