Sutaria from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108585
- Inquire about this child
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Sutaria has a sweet personality and loves attention. She is a loving and caring kid. Sutaria enjoys doing arts and crafts and drawing pictures. She loves praise for her arts and crafts and drawings. Sutaria also enjoys watching cartoons and going to the park. Her favorite cartoon is SpongeBob Square Pants, and she loves the slide at the park. Sutaria enjoys playing board games such as Operation and Sorry. Her favorite foods are pizza and spaghetti. Her favorite colors are yellow and purple. Sutaria's favorite subject in school is Writing. Sutaria is active and affectionate. She gets along well with others. She enjoys playing outside and going to Theme parks with others. Sutaria is very friendly and outgoing. She likes to dance to various music, such as hip-hop and pop. Sutaria also likes to sing songs that come on the radio. Her favorite theme park is Six Flags, and she likes to swing at the park. Sutraia would make a great addition to any family because she is respectful and a happy kid.
Sutaria will greatly benefit from a family that can provide a great balance of structure and affection. She will also benefit from a family that is able to spend one-on-one time with her. Sutaria will benefit greatly from a home that is caring and understanding. She desires a family that can provide consistent structure, boundaries, and affection. Sutaria needs ongoing supportive services to help with her transition to her new adoptive home.