Zebadiah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 82602
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Zebadiah is a fun and energetic teen who loves to be active and explore new things. He prefers to go by his nickname, Zeb. Zeb has a respectful and shy demeanor when you first met him, but he opens up quickly and loves to talk and interact with new people. He loves animals, especially dogs, but enjoys being around all sorts of animals, such as farm animals. Some of his favorite things to do are go camping, go to the beach, or just hang out with friends. Zeb is looking forward to joining a variety of sport teams in school such as football, basketball, and track. Zeb's favorite foods are chicken strips, pizza, and nachos. Zeb does very well in school and his favorite classes are math and reading.
Zeb's ideal family would consists of a mom and dad who have firm roles in the family to set an example for him. If siblings are a part of his family, it is best if they are several years older. Zeb will benefit from older siblings who are supportive in helping him adjust to being in a family and act to model positive behavior and choices for him. His family will give him the consistency of love and support that a child his age requires.