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Kaleb from Vermont



from Vermont

Kaleb, 15 years old My favorite things: I am an active person and like to bike, fish, hunt, hike, camp, swim, work on a farm, climb trees, play baseball, and skateboard. I also like to watch movies, listen to Top 40’s music, and play video games. My favorite animals are dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. Things I do not like: Two things I do not like: 1) school and 2) mushrooms. Favorite Foods: I like snack foods, junk food, and McDonalds. What I want in a family: I want a family who share some of the same interests I do. A family who would support me in being active outside and who would take me to skate parks. I would like a family who would support me in playing on sports teams. I would like a calm family, who are tolerant, and do not yell when things get hard. I would like to stay in New England and especially would like to live in New Hampshire. What I want families to know about me: I am an easy going and kind person who has an excellent memory. I can sometimes get distracted and need help staying on task. I like when adults listen to me as I would like to have an opinion in what happens in my life. I also appreciate when things are fair. I treat others with respect and like to make people laugh. What we want families to know about the youth: Kaleb is a fun and caring youth. He creates a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere. He is learning more about himself as he ages and through life experiences. With these experiences, he is growing in maturity. He is a hard working person and wants to do well in life. For further information about this child, contact: Macie Klumper, (802) 324-1898, maciek@lundvt.org
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