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Phoebie from Vermont



from Vermont

Phoebie, 14 years old My favorite things: I enjoy spending Ɵme with people and being engaged in an acƟvity. I like arts and craŌs, making slime, riding my bike, swimming, watching movies, and jumping on the trampoline. I absolutely love hugs. My favorite colors are pink and purple, my favorite movie is Lilo and SƟtch, and my favorite television show is NCIS. I love school. Things I do not like: I do not like being ignored or excluded. I do not like negaƟve consequences. Favorite Foods: I love homemade cooking. What I want in a family: I want a family who is nurturing and aƩenƟve. I would do best with a family who can be acƟve with me and support my need to stay busy. I want a family who are paƟent and kind. Most of all, I want a family who wants me. What I want families to know about me: I am fun, loving, and have a great sense of humor. I like having responsibiliƟes, contribuƟng to the house, and earning an allowance. I like to be involved. I like being engaged in some sort of acƟvity, whether it’s playing outside, being creaƟve inside, or doing a chore. What we want families to know about the youth: Phoebie is a genuine and loving young person who thrives from individual aƩenƟon. She likes to make people happy and will do kind things for those she cares about. Phoebie wants to be needed and loves praise. It can be challenging for her to hear negaƟve feedback. She is ready to create an aƩachment with her forever family. Phoebie would do best as an only child, or youngest child. For further informaƟon about this child, contact: Macie Klumper, (802) 324-1898, maciek@lundvt.org
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