Zeke from Vermont

from Vermont
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Vermont
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number Zeke-Vermont
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Zeke, 13 Years Old
My favorite things:
I like the color green. I like to play video games. I also like
being outdoors for the most part. I enjoy swimming. I like
basketball, soccer, and football. My favorite team is the
Lakers. I also like cats and dogs.
Things I do not like:
I don’t really like vegetables. Not a fan of nachos or
octopus. I don’t like people who are intense. People who
are rude and disrespectful. Mean people or bullies who
pick on me.
Favorite foods:
Love McDonalds, Oreo Flurries, Pizza, Chicken and Fried Rice, Tater Tots and Fries. I
like some fish.
What I want in a family:
A family that understands me and one that will be active with me.
What I want families to know about me:
I have a sense of humor. I like to be outside but don’t like mosquitos or ticks! I'm starting
to like cooking and want to learn more about it.
What we want families to know about the youth:
Zeke is active and we are looking for a family that is active and will allow him to get his
energy out. Organized sports might be very beneficial for him. Need a family with a
sense of humor. Let Zeke be the comedian who he is. Use his humor and laugh with
him while also setting some firm boundaries. Family should have an understanding of
childhood trauma.
For further information about child, contact:
Kirk Brewster, kirkb@lundvt.org (preferred) or 802-772-0703